Holistic Healing for Sensitive Souls: Blog
A Sensitive Soul's Guide to Trusting Innate Healing Potential
The key is learning to tap into that inner wellspring of wisdom and trust it, even when the rational mind wants to take over.
Essential Gut Health Tips for Highly Sensitive People
For highly sensitive people (HSPs) and empaths, gut health isn’t just about what we eat; it’s a deep connection between our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
Shift This One Belief to Heal
In our journey towards healing, whether it's physical or mental, we often encounter an underlying belief that can significantly hinder our progress. This belief, though common, can undermine our good intentions and meaningful efforts to heal.
Trying SO Hard to Heal? It’s Time To Awaken!
In our quest for health and wellness, we often find ourselves searching for external solutions. However, the true path to healing lies within us.
Rewriting Your Health Story: How One Question Changed Everything for a Sensitive Soul
As a highly sensitive person, you may often feel that your body is working against you, especially when dealing with chronic health issues. But what if I told you that there's a way to shift this perspective and see your body as your greatest ally?
Not Healing? Here’s Why…
My own path to wellness was far from straightforward. I struggled with a digestive autoimmune condition for several years that seemed to resist every treatment I tried. It was frustrating, disheartening, and at times, downright exhausting.
Strengthen & Embrace Your Highly Sensitive Soul with Affirmations
Typical “power” affirmations not working for your senstive soul? Try this technique instead!
Activate Your Inner Healer for Highly Sensitive People
The truth is, you were born with an innate healing power – a profound capacity to nurture your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. By embarking on a mindfulness journey tailored specifically for highly sensitive individuals like yourself, you can unlock this transformative force and experience wholeness like never before.
Renewing Your Body, Mind, and Soul With Holistic Cleansing
The cleansing process is a personal journey that requires self-compassion and an open mind. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and what works for one individual may not resonate with another.
Meditations for the Highly Sensitive: How Meditation Optimizes Your Inborn Trait
New research reveals that mindfulness practices like meditation can help highly sensitive individuals optimize the very genes that govern their inborn temperament. By consciously cultivating present-moment focus and calm through meditation, you can strike the ideal balance between the blessings and burdens of your unique neurogenetic inheritance.
The Spiritual Side of Sickness
I'll share 3 key insights on how to approach sickness from a spiritual perspective.
Mindful Resolutions: 3 Steps to Connect to Your Heart’s Desire
At the beginning of the new year or a new season of life, I teach my clients the process of creating a Sankalpa, which loosely translates from Sanskrit as a vow to one’s Highest Wisdom. It connects us to our heart’s deepest desires and can be a profound and soulful journey.
Busy Is Not Better: Exposing the Culture of Busyness Disguised as Self-Care
As we enter the holiday season, it's essential to make time for rest and reflection. While many of us may succumb to the temptation of consumerism and busyness, winter offers a chance for us to embrace the darkness and reflect on our Inner Light.
Nature’s Cure for Overwhelm: Tips to Rest and Recharge
By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can use the fall season as a personal guide for rest and self-care.
Healing the Body and Mind of Empaths: A Path to Pain-Free Living
The healing journey from chronic conditions is seldom a linear progression, and unexpected circumstances or people outside of our control can derail our progress.
Why are Women SO Tired? Balancing Your Dosha for Energy
As multi-passionate women, feeling tired or exhausted has become a cultural norm, which is concerning!
But did you know that your unique Energetic Signature or dosha imbalance, based on the 5 Elements of Nature, can influence your energy levels and overall well-being?
Navigating Compassion Fatigue and Burnout: Practical Tips for Healing
Whatever your go-to (oftentimes unconscious) habit is for the next boost to get you through the day, please realize that our bodies can only hit the accelerator so many times before we crash.
Overcome Playing It Small: Shift from Self-Doubt to Self-Confident
Stop Playing Small! Ways we we play small or overly safe and how to start the Energetic shift to step into our power.
Break Free From Burnout at Work: Inspiring Lessons from a Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica
Have you ever felt the overwhelming pressure of trying to juggle all the demands of modern life? As women, we often find ourselves pushing past our limits, sacrificing our own health and well-being in order to keep up with the daily grind.
Ayurvedic Tips for Women’s Health: Live Inspired!
How is Ayurveda different from other health programs? How can it help achieve practical health goals?